Consultancy, supply and logistics
  • Specialized Technical Consultants
  • Solution Design
  • Pre-Audit
  • HW supply adapted to the project (Supports, Projectors, PC's, Screens)
  • Manufacture of specific structures for the project
  • SW Development
  • 3 Logistics Centres with 12,000 m2 and capacity for 13,000 pallets
  • Latest technologies in Safety, Quality and Environmental Management
  • Service indicators Information and Monitoring
  • Mobility Platform for processes control in real time
Installation and Maintenance
24×7 Remote Managed Services
  • Proactive monitoring, management, or system administration through the CSR (Unified Remote Service Center)
  • Comprehensive and proactive support
  • Using different tools depending on the client’s needs
  • High resolution capacity
  • Multilingual services 24×7 (24 hours a day, seven days a week)
  • Redundant services (Madrid-Barcelona)
Content Management
Custom Software Development

We have the capacity and skills to execute software developments and adapt them to customer needs, always seeking improvement and greater impact on content. Among other areas, we develop:

  • Marketing Campaigns
  • Digital Directories
  • Game Campaigns

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